Sustainability has become a critical component of business operations for Sourcebynet

To ensure our Design4Life vision and strategy is clear throughout our value chain, our sustainability department recently conducted the first part of a two-part webinar series.

With a focus on educating and empowering our suppliers, the webinars aimed to demystify the complex world of sustainability and provide guidance on Sourcebynet’s Design4Life sustainability vision and strategy.

The training was conducted in both English and Chinese to cater to a diverse audience of over 90 different suppliers, from China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Sustainability Supplier Training: Session 1 (English)

Sustainability Supplier Training: Session 1 (Chinese)

The first session of the webinar series delved into the Sourcebynet Sustainability Vision & Strategy, offering participants a holistic view of how sustainability permeates every facet of the company’s operations.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) objectives are at the heart of modern sustainability efforts. In this session, Sourcebynet presented its ESG Targets, outlining the specific goals the company has set. Participants gained a deeper understanding of Sourcebynet’s commitment to these critical areas and learned how they can not only support, but also benefit from aligning.

Sourcebynet operates with a relatively streamlined approach, and we hold optimism that our influence on the environment remains within reasonable bounds.​​​​​​​

The Scope 3 emissions we generate hold significance for our clientele, as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) levels typically constitute 70% to 80% for an average furniture retailer. Ensuring the availability of precise and uniform data is of paramount importance to effectively chart our course towards reduction.

Navigating the sustainability landscape can be challenging due to the ever-changing laws and regulations that govern it.  Sourcebynet’s sustainability team provided valuable information on the laws and regulations that shape the sustainability landscape.

Participants had the opportunity to ask questions and gain clarity on compliance, ensuring they stay ahead of the game in this dynamic field.

What are the ​​​​​​​Benefits of Measuring Scope 3 Emissions?

The GHG Protocol gives Scope 3 emissions a broad definition, which is one of the reasons why it’s a much harder area for organizations to focus on: “all indirect emissions (not included in scope 2) that occur in the value chain of the reporting company, including both upstream and downstream.”

​​​​​​​By measuring Scope 3 emissions, organizations can:

Sourcebynet’s Design4Life objective, “Educating Everybody, including ourselves,” underscores the company’s dedication to continuous learning and improvement.

The Supplier Sustainability Training Webinars are a tangible manifestation of this commitment. We understand that sustainability is a journey, and it aims to provide unwavering support to its valued partners at every step along this path.

Looking ahead, we’re gearing up for the second part of the webinar series, scheduled for October. This session will delve into topics such as Carbon Accounting, Product Environmental Footprints, and Sustainable Packaging. The quarterly schedule of these sessions has received positive feedback, highlighting the importance of ongoing education and collaboration in the sustainability journey.

Sourcebynet’s Supplier Sustainability Training Webinars are a testament to the company’s dedication to sustainability and its valued partners. By providing valuable insights, sharing strategies and goals, and fostering collaboration, Sourcebynet is helping its partners navigate the complex sustainability landscape with confidence. As the journey continues, Sourcebynet remains steadfast in its commitment to educating and supporting everyone involved.

As the journey continues, Sourcebynet remains steadfast in its commitment to educating and supporting everyone involved.


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